Sunday 22 February 2015

Me Time Tag

Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted for the past fortnight, I’ve been very busy with school and half term, then all of a sudden Sunday evening came around and I hadn’t written a blog post. This week I thought I’d do another tag as I have enjoyed all the others I have done so far. So lets begin…

1. What do you like to watch or read during me time?
I love watching loads of things during me time. I love watching YouTube videos, especially ViviannaDoesMakeup, Hannah Maggs and the Shaytards. I also pretty much love anything on Netflix particularly New Girl and Orange Is The New Black. And of course F.R.I.E.N.D.S.! I don’t tend to read that much but depending on my mood I might crack open a book.

2. What do you wear during me time?
Anything comfortable! Normally either my pyjamas or a warm snuggly jumper and jogging bottoms. Oh and fluffy socks of course. I mean, who can’t live without fluffy socks?!

3. What are your favourite me time beauty products?
I love having a bath so using anything from Lush is always good for me. I also love face packs if I’m in the mood whether they're from the drugstore in a tube or a clay mask from Lush. I have also really been loving using Liz Earle products to cleanse my face and give it what I call a ‘mini facial’. You can read about those products HERE.

4. Current favourite nail polish?
This is an easy one for me. I am wearing it now on my fingernails and toenails. This is the Barry M Nail Polish in Vintage Violet. This is a perfect colour for all year round and can look great with casual outfits or for something a bit smarter. It is a great nail varnish if you're in a rush to go out or to fix a chip.

5. What do you eat or drink during me time?
I tend to eat a mix of savoury and sweet things during me time. I love Thai Sweet Chilli Crisps and anything chocolatey is also good. These on their own or a combination of the two is great. And for drinking, its either got to be a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Both of them are good by me. 

6. Current favourite candle?
This is tricky for me. With candles I don't tend to have favourites. I like to try different things all the time. I really love tea lights as they make everything look pretty. Scented and unscented tea lights tend to always be on in my room. I also like the Fairy Dust candle the best I think for smells. I have used a few of these and they are just such a lovely treat which smell lovely and last for ages. The tin is also cute to use when the candle is all burnt out. 

7. Do you ever have outdoor me time?
I tend to spend most of my me time in my bed alone. Sometimes though I like to go on a walk. Putting my headphones in and going for a walk around where I live makes me happy and forget about crap that's going on. Sometimes I go for a run in the morning with my mum and I would say this is a bit of me time too. 

8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
Aha I wish. I would love to have the confidence to do this but I would be too scared to go on my own, especially if I saw people I knew. I don't have much time or money to go to the cinema anymore. I also don't have anyone really to go with so that kind of puts me off going to see films which I want to go and see. 

9. Favourite online shop?
If it's clothes shopping, I like to look on H&M or New Look the most because that tends to be where most of my wardrobe comes from. Beauty wise, it has to be Space NK, MAC or Boots I think. I love shopping online, or at least browsing for new beauty things. Amazon is also a great place to online shop and browse. I could spend hours looking at new books, beauty items, CDs etc. I spend way too much time online browsing or shopping for new things! 

10. What else do you do during me time?
I just like to spend the time doing what I want really. I love talking to my friends so a Skype call, a phone call or just a long texting conversation is always good by me. Also listening to music and having some devotional time, being a Christian, is always something I like to spend me time doing. 

I hope you liked this tag. I found it online and thought it was something different. I love doing tags so if you find some others let me know. Or feel free to contact me and send me questions you would like me to answer. Also, if you complete this tag, I'd love to read your responses. 

So until next time lovelies xx

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